Miss Snake Charmer: Queens, Snakes and the Weight of the Law

Take a minute to read Pastor Pirschel’s article on Mockingbird.
While driving my boys to school, we were listening to an episode of the podcast Snap Judgment entitled “12 Pageant Queens, 10,000 Snakes.” In a car full of boys there were mixed emotions about the prospects of this episode. The podcast features several teenage girls from West Texas who are entering a beauty pageant. Normally, this sort of topic would get low marks from the carpool in question, but these beauty contestants are all fighting for a chance to be crowned Miss Snake Charmer. The winner of this tiara will not only preside over the world’s largest Rattlesnake Roundup but will wade into a kiddie pool overflowing with rattlers. So while beauty pageants may not be our thing, this combination of beauty pageant mixed with possible death sounded like a recipe that makes for great radio... Continue reading